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English for specific purposes

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English for specific purposes

Considering the human need to communicate with other countries for the purpose of business or education and considering that English is considered as an international language, learning and implementing it as best as possible in the educational system has become a necessity. . So, there has been a great demand for the design of various English language courses to meet the needs of various career and academic fields. This goal-oriented approach led to the formation of a type of education called “English for Specific Purposes (ESP)”.

Since the demand for ESP courses, which is considered one of the most prominent English language courses at the Iran-Europe Language Institute, has increased today, we will further examine this issue.

Branches of ESP:

ESP has several subfields that fall into three main groups:

English for Academic Purposes: (EAP)

It is a branch of ESP designed to help students who need English in their field of study. EAP courses are planned in such a way as to provide the learner with specialized knowledge so that he can benefit from skills such as studying specialized texts, scientific research, writing research articles, participating in scientific-research conferences, and listening to specialized lectures and taking notes.

English for Occupational Purposes: (EOP)

This branch of ESP is designed for working people who need English in their profession. EOP courses are activity-oriented and are held in such a way that the learner can acquire skills such as business conversations, writing and reading letters and office contracts, participating in conferences and work missions, according to their work needs.

English for Science and Technology Purposes: (EST)

It is another branch of ESP that helps scientists, professors and experts who need English to stay up-to-date and aware of the latest scientific and technological developments. EST courses are offered in such a way that the language learner can enjoy skills such as reading specialized texts, writing scientific books and articles, and speaking about the desired scientific topic.

Of course, some theorists consider the above sub-fields to be the same and consider English for special purposes as a specialized English language course that has professional and academic applications.

Due to the increasing need of business owners and job seekers to use English in line with their desired jobs and the unique reception of EPO courses at Iran-Europe Language School, we will dedicate the rest of the article to the review of English for career purposes.

English for business purposes:

In today’s world, English has become an essential tool for getting a job, promotion and effective performance in the labor market. The demand for English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) is growing in line with the global demand to recruit employees who can operate in their specialized fields in English. Below are examples of the application of EOP in different businesses.

English in business: (Business English)

Business English is one of the examples of English for special purposes. In today’s world where communication is done internationally, the role of English in business becomes increasingly important, as companies increasingly need employees who are fluent in several languages. The goal of any business English course is to allow its users to communicate effectively in a business environment, whether that communication is through correspondence, face-to-face meetings, or other methods. Therefore, business English may include topics such as the ability to read and write letters, resumes, business phrases, or sales, advertising, and marketing terms. For this purpose, the following sources can be used as a guide:

Recommended sources:

• Current Trends in Teaching and Learning Business English: Adapting to Internationalization, Michael Thundercliffe. http://www.scribd.com/doc/37409071/Current-Trends-in-Teaching-and-Learning-Business-English.

• Business vocabulary in use: intermediate, Bill Mascull. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, ISBN: 9780521748629.

• Business Vocabulary in Advanced Use with Answers, Bill Mascull. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition (May 17, 2010), ISBN-10: 0521128293.

English in law: (Legal English)

Legal English is an integral part of English for special purposes. The language used in legal discourse around the world is English. However, the English used in legal discourse is distinct from common English. This distinction is well visible in the verbal exchanges in court and interrogations, between lawyers and witnesses and judges.

Recommended sources:

• Plain English for Lawyers, Richard C. Wydick. Carolina Academic Press, 1994, ISSBN: 0890895627.

• Career Paths: Law, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, David J. Smith – J.D. ISBN: 978-1-4715-6273-0.

• Legal English, Jill Northcott. 2012, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118339855.ch11.

• International Legal English, Krois-Lindner, A. 2006, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

English in information technology: (English for IT)

Many non-native IT professionals, although they may be experts in the field, lack the English language skills necessary to communicate effectively with international companies. Information technology is an ever-changing industry with new devices (such as mobile phones and tablets) and applications.

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